Thursday, October 4, 2012

Soaring – ArtBliss 2012


Teaching has to be the scariest and, at the same time, most exhilarating thing you can do as a human. You just have to fling yourself out there, be as authentic as possible and pray that your students are not only getting it but enjoying it. Bold is the way to go, no other way. What could be more terrifying than to look up at a ring of faces to see a look of total incomprehension on them all. But to look up and see everyone nodding and smiling-- ah, bliss! Soaring!

My three days at ArtBliss 2012 in Sterling, Virginia were a non-stop whirlwind-- meeting people, taking in all the creativity of the assembled students and teachers, connecting with friends both old and new, putting every ounce of energy into making sure my students were inspired, motivated and successful. Cindy Wimmer and Jeanette Blix made sure that nobody was bored or hungry or uninspired-- there was so much to do that I didn't get to enjoy simply because I needed to recharge every night so that I could make sure my students go their money's worth. They organized bead and charm swaps, coordinated author signings, provided great food and encouraged camaraderie.

Heartfelt thanks to all my fabulous students for conquering your fears about trying new things! Everyone seemed to trust themselves to delve deep into their creative wells and produced amazing work while supporting each other to expand and learn. What a nurturing environment!

As usual, I didn't get all the photos I wanted to but thanks to the camera skills of several students, including Carol Myers and Kathleen Klik, as well as those of Cindy and my husband Douglas, I think I managed to gather enough images to give you a hint of the level of mastery and imagination that were present in my classroom. I am a very lucky teacher!


Jewelry display - Cindy photo

Photo taken by Cindy Wimmer of my Meet and Greet display


Terry G cuff _1024

Terri’s cuff from Day 1, Romancing the Wrist

student work4_1024

Some in-process shots, antiqued and ready to color

Klik leaf2

Kathleen’s photo of her leaf from Day 2, Color Your World

Louise Smith work _1024

Louise’s shimmery take on the cuff workshop

Jennie and Frankie cuffs _1024

Cuffs by Jenny and Frankie

Artbliss Perrie  cuff_edited-1

Perrie’s beautiful cuff


artBLISS - Cindy's piece_opt

Cindy’s layered and colorful pendant

Artbliss Myers cuff_1024

Carol’s cuff with ornate centerpiece

ArtBliss - Larre cuff

Cynthia’s cuff plays off circles and angles


I’m already thinking of ideas for classes for next year! I’m going to continue with the idea of applying surface coloration to polymer since it seems that this resonates with people who have never used clay before but have experience in other jewelry-making and art disciplines or have worked with paints, paper and multi media. If you want to be notified of class topics for next year, convo me at Hope you enjoyed the slideshow!


  1. I so hope that I can be at ArtBliss next year! I really regret not being able to go this time. Did you know that I was actually searching for you today online? I was seeking out information about your classes. I truly need to take some classes in what you are offering and truly there is no one I would rather take them from. If I could afford it I would just hop on a plane and hijack you and make you share your secrets with me! But since that is unlikely to happen, I will have to patiently wait your next class offerings at ArtBliss and hope that I can make it work! Enjoy the day. Erin

  2. I wish I would have been there!! Looks like a lot of fun to me and I am sure your students where thrilled...;-))

  3. I wish I would have been there! It looks like a lot of fun and I am sure your students were thrilled! I would have been...;-))

  4. I would love to take your class one day, polymer clay did not interest me until I saw your work.

  5. LOVED THE CLASSES!!! Perrie and I are working on getting you to come to Charlottesville and would also love to come to wherever you're teaching again if we can. So get together some wonderful new classes quick!!! You have changed the way I look at clay.
    Love to you and Doug both. He's a great TA!

  6. Christine, what a time we had at artBLISS 2012. It was an honor and so much fun to have you teach again this year. And the best part? I finally got to take one of your classes myself! I'm grateful to have that chance to learn from you...but it was just the tip of the ice berg. Now I want to learn more. I am hooked!! Sure wish we lived closer... and yes, I'd love to be your TA! :-) Maybe I'll have that opportunity some day. Looking forward to seeing more of your developing classes for 2013.
