Over the past few days I've been re-reading the self-published workbooks of Hadar Jacobsen, an extraordinary metal clay teacher and artist, who produces her own line of metal clay products. Hadar not only writes about using metal clay and correctly firing it, but constantly updates the technical information on her website for everyone, even if you haven't purchased her books. I've been thinking about her style of making information available and how I could adapt it to my workshops and enhance my students' experience. And as homage to the inspiration that Hadar has been to me, I've decided to offer any student who has already taken my 3-day workshop the opportunity to repeat it at no charge anytime in the future--subject to space availability in the class. Currently, I'm offering my workshops in the spring and fall of each year here in Vermont. I'm also developing a Facebook group for my students that will have updated information on techniques, tips on process and new product reviews.
Sometimes because of the vagaries of circumstance and income, I've had to pass up opportunities for creative advancement, missing out on a learning experience that may have forever altered how I do my art. How I've wished for a patron or guardian angel to help me make that opportunity happen.
So here's what I've come up with to advance the cause of creativity in the polymer universe-- next month I'll be teaching my 3-day intensive workshop at my farm in Vermont-- October 8-10, 2014, called “Telling Your Story in Polymer Clay: Form, Color and Mixed Media”. I'm making a scholarship available for one seat in that class to someone chosen at random from the group of interested people who contact me by September 8 and ask to be included in the drawing. All you need to do to attend is get yourself here and bring clay and tools-- see my website www.storiestheytell.com for details on the “Teaching” and “Workshops” pages. I'll have all the coloring materials available for students. If you're a newbie to polymer clay, it's not a problem. This course is about exploring what polymer clay can become in the hands of an artistic, curious person. I've had metalworkers, jewelers and ceramics artists come to learn and none of them had ever used polymer before. All that's required is imagination and a well-developed artist's or crafter's skill-set.
I'd love if you'd share this opportunity on your favorite social media venues and blogs but it's not a requirement to apply. I've included some photos below of techniques we'll be exploring this year's class. Please use the contact button to
e-mail me if you're interested in the scholarship-- I'll post the results, obtained by a random number generator, on September 8th on this blog. If you want to attend and don't want to leave it to chance, I still have a few seats available.
Oceanic Organic beads - polymer clay, crayons,
handmade texture plates
Beads - polymer clay, bamboo yarn, oil paints